Rating Methodology: Hero Score

Our methodology page outlines how we review and rate password managers and other software using our unique Hero Score system. The Hero Score rates software between 0 and 100 based on three core values: usability, features, and support. Learn how we calculate our Hero Score.

How We Test And Rank Software

We take software reviews seriously, especially when it comes to password managers and other cybersecurity tools. We use a unique rating system called Hero Score to rate all the software featured on our website. The Hero Score ranges from 0 to 100, with 100 being the highest and 0 being the lowest.

You can find the Hero Score at the beginning of each review. It’s an excellent indicator of the quality of the software. However, in combination with our detailed breakdown of each software, you’ll get a more comprehensive idea of what to expect from the software you’re interested in.

Our Hero Score has three values that we consider for each software:

  • Usability: This value shows how user-friendly the software is, and we take into account ease-of-use and simplicity.
  • Features: This value describes how feature-rich the software is compared to others in the same category.
  • Support: This value indicates the quality of customer support.

How We Get The Numbers

We calculate the Hero Score using two sources of online reviews for each software we test. We collect online reviews from reliable and verified industry-leading sources to ensure the right combination of external factors and internal reviews. We calculate the average usability, features, and support score based on all the reviews we analyze.

The Calculated Hero Score is expressed in a mathematical equation:

Calculated Hero Score = (average usability rating + average features rating + average support rating) / 3

We convert online reviews into a scale from 0 to 100. For example, if we find an online review that rates the usability of the software as 4.8/5, we convert this to 96/100 points for our Calculated Hero Score. The Calculated Hero Score represents the average customer feedback.

However, sometimes online ratings don’t take into account changes in usability, features, or support. In such cases, we manually adjust the Hero Score based on the reviews from our team of reviewers and testers. To ensure objectivity, each adjustment must be approved by at least one other reviewer.

The mathematical formula for the Adjusted Hero Score is:

Adjusted Hero Score = Calculated Hero Score * Adjustment Factor

We typically use an adjustment factor between 0.8 and 1.2, which means that our reviewers can upgrade or downgrade a software provider by 20%. In extreme cases, we may also use a higher adjustment factor, e.g., if a software provider drastically changes its user interface or features.

The Adjusted Hero Score is the score you see on the website. 

How to Use The Numbers

We know that every individual and business has different needs and requirements. That’s why we recommend using our Hero Score as a starting point and doing your own research to see if the software meets your needs.

Our team of reviewers and testers thoroughly evaluate each piece of software, and we strive to provide ratings based on real-world applications and our honest assessment of the software’s performance.

We encourage our readers to make informed decisions based on their individual needs and circumstances.

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