Fact-checking Process 

Our fact-checking process is instrumental in us delivering best-in-class online security content. From our editorial team’s expertise to the in-house training we offer writers and the use of industry-leading data. Read on to understand the help we take to fact-check our website.

At PasswordHero, we are here to improve online security. This starts with having accurate and timely information on online safety. This is why fact-checking is essential to what we do at PasswordHero. 

In-House Editorial Team 

Our editorial team has decades of editorial expertise and has a solid process to fact-check all content we publish onsite. Read our editorial guidelines to find out more about our editorial principles

Use High-Quality Data 

Our editorial and website management teams regularly update our reviews and articles using leading data. This includes first-hand testing and high-quality data sources such as Statista. 

Fact-Checking Process Steps 

It’s essential to be one step ahead on online security. We have a team of experts, who are trained to fact-check every claim we make within our articles. 

The fact-checking steps writers take: 

  1. A writer researches the topic.
  2. They complete the article, adding sources throughout the document. 
  3. Once they are happy all checks have been made, they submit the article to their editor. 
  4. The editor reviews the source data and confirms if the claims are accurate. 
  5. If the claims aren’t right, the editor will ask them to make revisions. 
  6. Once all claims are correct, it can be published onsite. 
  7. We repeat the above steps until it is accurate. 


Katrina Haggarty

Katrina Haggarty

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