Editorial Guidelines

Our editorial guidelines help us set the standard for delivering the best content on tools to protect you online. From writing simple and straightforward articles and web pages, to being transparent about how we make money, our guidelines tell you how our editorial process works at PasswordHero.

Simple To Understand  

Password and online security can get complicated and technical. We write all our articles in a simple and easy-to-understand way. Cutting out the jargon so it is easy to understand and all our readers feel supported and empowered regarding online security. 

Specialists On Hand 

Our online security specialists at PasswordHero are knowledgeable and passionate about supporting consumers with their online security. We research the online security market to keep you ahead of the online security curve. 

Focus On The Facts 

Trust is essential with online security, and our in-house editorial team fact-checks all of our articles to ensure all details are correct. We use industry-leading data sources from Statista and get first-hand data by testing the platforms directly. We update our content to make sure we keep abreast of industry changes. 

Extra Resources 

Strong online protection is necessary with the growing number of data breaches and cyber-attacks. So, our website offers valuable reviews, helpful articles, industry news and actionable tips.

Open and Trustworthy 

We want to create open and trustworthy relationships with our users. So, we are happy to share how we make money onsite. Some of the links available on the website are affiliate links. However, affiliate relationships don’t dictate what we cover on the website. We cover the topics we feel are essential to our readers.


Katrina Haggarty

Katrina Haggarty

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